Saying Goodbye to a friend

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Last week I had to say goodbye to a childhood friend.  I had known her since we were 5 years old and in kindergarten.  Over the years we would lose touch, then find each other again – several times, and then the accident happened. She was under the influence. We were in our mid-twenties and just figuring our lives out. It was so hard to see her like that. In a coma, hooked up to the machines. Eventually she woke up, but her life was never the same. She spent the next 25 years in a wheelchair with extreme atrophy problems on her right side from her brain injury.  She could remember things we did in grade school, but not recent events. Over the years her body wore down, her muscles atrophied more and her organs struggled. She was put on hospice and we knew it was only a matter of time. Last week I had to say goodbye to my friend, and I am sad.


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